Strange and slow-moving production of the first part of the book of Genesis , it covers Adam and Eve, and Noah
17 April 2020
A rara-avis production in low-budget dealing with the first part of the book of Genesis and regarding the early stories in the Old Testament . We open with the Creation of the World, recreating the seven days in which Nature comes to life at the first light of dawn Creation . And arriving in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve and continuing on to Cain and the murder of Abel , and finally Noah . It is narrated by a heavy voice-in-off , as in the Italian version by Omero Antonutti and the English language by Paul Scofield . Concerning the unforgettable adventure of Man from the Creation . At the beginning all-enveloping darkness. Suddenly, a child's voice, frightened, questioning, pierces the darkness... The first flickering rays of light begin to sculpt mysterious shapes out of the darkness . As God creating the world in seven days . While a very old man exhorting a kid to see the wonders of the earth. And it is with this child's eyes that we will witness the creation of the world . Adam appears, and is soon joined by Eve. Paradise could be theirs, but as time goes by, they grow restless, inquisitive... They approach the Tree of Knowledge and the evil serpent . It results in the sins carried out by Adam and Eva and, subsequently ,finding distress , pain, and mortality. After their fall and banishment from Eden, they are cursed by God to suffer for their disobedience, although it quickly becomes clear that they have not been abandoned by him. Their sons Cain and Abel play out a story that will continue to darken the Creation until the end of time . As Cain kills his brother Abel and God put on Cain a doomed mark . And angered by the corruption of Cain's progeny, by the lust and greed ruling the cities, God vows to wipe away his creatures and begin anew. With Noah and his family , sons : Shem , Japheth , Ham and wives . The ark is built, the animals led into their pens, and the rain begins beating on the timbers, flooding the land, bringing fear and death. When the rains have devastated the world, the waters recede, the ark touches ground, and the dove sent out by Noah returns with an olive branch - the sign of new life and of a new pact with God. ...In the Beginning . The Greatest Story of All Time...The Greatest Story of All Time...with one of the most celebrated casts of all time! The first adventure story...the first love story...the first murder story...the first suspense story...the first story of faith.

An Italian retelling of the Bible stories narrated by Paul Scofield and Omero Antonutti who also played Noah . The title is a bit of a misnomer as the film only covers the first 22 chapters of the first book of Genesis . It covers various Biblical episodes and and open with the Creation of the World and arrive at the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel and Noah and the Flood . It features overlong , slow takes , non-actors in authentic locations , sensitivity , passionate humanism and even some non-sense Iraq war scenes . Rousing and extraordinary soundtrack by Ennio Morricone , including chorus music . Gorgeous and evocative cinematography shot on usual location in Morocco . There is another better adaptation titled : The Bible in the beginning (1966) by John Huston with Michael Parks , Stephen Boyd , George C Scott , Ava Gardner , Richard Harris and Franco Nero play brothers-turned-enemies .

This strangely mounted production was produced by Rai 1 , Lux Vide , Lube, Biblical Studio Morocco and being well directed by ErmannoOlmi , though it doesn't gives the feel of a Cecil B De Mille spectacle . Olmi was a good and artistic filmmaker who made thought-provoking and sensitive films . Olmi was really influenced by the work of Roberto Rosselini. He usually includes social commentaries , overlong , slow-moving takes and using non-actors in authentic locations who frequently participate in dances . His best films were : The Tree of Wooden Clogs (1978) , The Legend of the Holy Drinker (1988) and Il mestiere delle armi (2001) . He also directed and produced a lot of documentaries. Rating 6/10 . The film will appeal to religious people .
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