Penelope (1966)
Strange beauty
20 April 2020
The main reason to see 'Penelope' is lovely and always watchable Natalie Wood, immensely talented who sadly died tragically far too young with so much more to give. Another interest point is pre-'Columbo' Peter Falk, 'Columbo' still is one of my favourites and Falk's portrayal is iconic. Did like the idea for the story, the simple title was charming enough and have always appreciated the genre 'Penelope' fits under and the style of humour it was going for.

'Penelope' sadly however didn't really do much for me. It does have its good moments and things, namely the production values and Wood. Anybody expecting something funny, sophisticated, witty and well well and directed are best looking elsewhere. Not everybody will agree with all that and find that 'Penelope' is to their taste, but others will find that it could have been much better. Speaking as somebody who is regrettably one of them, sorry.

Certainly there are good things here in 'Penelope'. Its two main good things are the production values and Natalie Wood. The film has a glossy look to it that is very pretty to look at and very stylish without being garish. Wood looks absolutely gorgeous in the clothes she gets to wear. On top of looking lovely, Wood carries 'Penelope' with ease and displays great charm and spirit.

A couple of the other cast members come off well also, especially Falk in an amusing and authoritative turn in a part perfect for him. Ian Bannen has a rather dull character but he does his best in making him amiable enough. The music has a quirkiness that endears and the songs are an easy listen, as is Wood's singing. There are a few amusing and charming moments.

Sadly there is generally not enough of them. The story is very flimsy and not always very eventful, as well as predictable and contrived. Some parts feel like padding, such as that strange scene with Jonathan Winters. The film could have done with a far snappier pace as the energy is not always there. Neither is there enough momentum in the direction, which is bland most of the time.

Furthermore, the script has some amusing moments, but there is a general lack of wit and sophistication and instead it tends to be over-worked and corny. There is nothing really here that is hilarious either in dialogue or gags. The characters are generally dull and annoying, excepting those of Wood's and Falk's. Dick Shawn overacts and really gets on the nerves and Winters is wasted in a pointless and bizarre sequence that adds nothing to the plot.

Overall, watchable but not great by any stretch. Looks beautiful but somewhat strange. 5/10
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