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23 April 2020
Flynn is very good here. Playing a diff hero and isn't even with the lady here, there is a scene where the lady and her man(Flynn's prisoner) embrace while he's further off glancing and then glances off. This scene is very poignant for Flynn doing that. The plot is hilarious in context since the Civil War Rebels think they can do anything with a couple of guys in California to scrounge a bandit army and cause chaos, causing Union armies from the East 2,000 miles away to come there giving the Rebel armies in the East a better odd of winning. The lunacy of this is given in narration( a nice touch by Flynn) in the beginning. This movie features the most extensive 'team' under Flynn, and are largely dispensable like someone gives a monologue about beans that goes on and on me and my mom call the "bean monologue" save for one who is the cowboy from Dr. Strangelove shows up here. As I note Flynn glancing off in that one scene, his character spotlights an unusual level of valiant code when asked why he would kill an unarmed prisoner and in another instant ask the same prisoner for his word of honor trust to not escape by the lady he replies that these customs/codes might sound strange but it's all he has to hold on to, familiarities of the past. This makes sense in a situation of chaos this is his comfort.t Lots of night scenes. Also the name Lafe Barstow, Lafe sounds unusual until you realize it is like short of Lafayette, another person of valiance.
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