Final Score (1986)
I never thought such a small head could've hatched something like that
1 May 2020
The moment the intro credits of Final Score start rolling you know what you're in for. A none-more-80s synth soundtrack (think a cut price Lalo Schifrin doing the Halloween theme) is interspersed with the sound of random machine gun fire, while cast and crew members with names like HARRIS R and RONNI S flash up in a basic blood-red typeface. These guys didn't have time for all that 'full last name' stuff, let's just get on with the job damnit.

In some ways Final Score is your standard 80s action beat 'em up fare, but there's an extra helping of cheese and a side portion of brutalness with this low-budget pizza. The home invasion scenes early on are especially nasty and unflinching, and make you root for Chris Mitchum's character as he then goes out and dispenses justice. And there is a *lot* of justice dispensed in this movie, perhaps almost too much justice... But hey, that's the reason the movie exists. Mitchum himself looks like a friendly physics teacher and never quite convinces as a tough guy vigilante, but does a decent job as the lead anyway.

Overall this is not in the same league as the similar 'The Stabalizer' in terms of enjoyment factor, but it's definitely worth a look if you're into the whole 80s revenge-sploitation genre.
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