Gentefied (2020–2021)
Good show but unrealistic
8 May 2020
Soft spoilers

I'm a black female and enjoy shows exploring diversity. So far, enjoying the show (Ep 7). Overall, I think it has a great plot but some of the scenes are a bit unrealistic and predictable which is like, really? Where are the, "I definitely didn't see that coming!" moments? The bread crumbs leading to the reveal, are more like dinner rolls. Give us a hint but not too much, like with the painting... That was good. I REALLY appreciate learning the backstory to each of the characters that we learned about in the first couple of episodes. I always feel like I want to know exactly how everyone is connected and why. That was set up well! I don't mind seeing Ana's relationship or those like it but my goodness, those two kiss entirely too much. It's unrealistic and overkill. I'd expect more of that from Erik and Lidia, given their circumstances. Let's see an even balance of affection and find more creative ways to show the audience, loving relationships. I'd be curious to read the script to see if it's written that way or if that's from the Director...

Overall, it's funny and relatable. I am glad I took a chance on this! NOTE: If you do not understand Spanish, English subtitles are necessary. Enjoy!
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