Q: "What Shape Was The Body In?" A: "Hamburger Meat!"... ...
20 May 2020
EDGE OF THE AXE is a cavalcade of senseless slaughter, brought to us by a masked lunatic in a raincoat. In between the gory murders, we're treated to the denizens of the town, and their romantic prospects.

This movie is pretty much by the numbers, featuring a mysterious madman on the loose, a host of suspects, stumped law enforcement, and fairly likable central characters. It's not overly tedious or stupid, and unfolds at a tolerable pace. This late, lesser-known slasher film even contains a few jolts and memorable set pieces, including the opening car wash scene, which sets things up nicely. The final revelation is far-fetched and the ending is predictable, but not a total embarrassment.

Worth a watch for the die-hard fan...
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