Got It: It's The 39 Steps!
24 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A laundry basket is delivered to a Bombay (Mumbhai) hotel room, and a dead body is removed from it by the room's occupant. The corpse is placed in bed and has its face obliterated by three close-range gunshots. The occupant leaves the room disguised as an Indian soldier. Minor diplomat Martin Viking, breezes into Bombay on his way to Lucknow to take up his post. Looking for his old commando buddy Kevin O'Hara, he goes to the aforementioned room and finds the body. His diplomatic status excuses him from lengthy Police investigation. However, he is then arrested on the Gundar Special train when stolen items are found in his luggage. Again he is released and returns to the hotel where O'Hara turns up, revealing that he had contrived to get Viking off the train since it was to be blown up in order to kill the Nawob of Janipur to stop him signing a treaty. O'Hara, it transpires, is a mercenary working for a terrorist group. A fight ensues and O'Hara is killed by a knife thrown by a watching member of the group. With his dying breath he reveals some details of the plot, including a reference to The Lame Man. Now, armed with this knowledge, the sensible thing to do would be to contact the authorities, get them to stop the train and take the Nawob into protective custody. Does Viking do that? Not on your life. Anyway there's still nearly an hour's running time left! Instead he decides to stop the train himself. This was when I realised I was watching The 39 Steps since practically every scene was faithfully reproduced. He's pursued over hill and dale by Police and terrorists. He threatens a girl into helping him, only to have her betray him to the Police. He unknowingly tries to elicit the help of the head honcho, whose club foot reveals him to be The Lame Man. The girl conveniently turns up again and mentions his story about the train, getting herself kidnapped. Locked in a dungeon cave they simply walk out via a handy crack in the rock. Viking finds the explosive on the track, but the train is coming! Commandeering a maintenance truck he drives it onto the detonators and saves the day. Real Saturday morning picture adventure if you're to too fussy.
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