Judge Priest (1934)
Doesn't make the head spin enough
27 May 2020
Really admire John Ford and have done for some while, Westerns and non-Westerns. The story did sound like it had the makings of an interesting film if done correctly. There is some great talent in the cast, Will Rogers was always watchable and Hattie McDaniel had a knack for scene stealing in everything she was in. Felt rather iffy about hearing that Stepin Fetchit was in 'Judge Priest', who has never done much for me (race has absolutely nothing to do with why) and have always disliked it whenever he was imitated.

'Judge Priest' does nothing to change my mind. A shame, because actually to me it is not a bad film at all. Actually found 'Judge Priest' to be pretty decent and a pleasant diversion to distract one from all the bad times, with much to like while finding things that stuck out like a sore thumb. It is always interesting to see a Ford film from early on in his career, before he hit his stride, and one that didn't go into Western territory so evidence of his versatility as a director.

Plenty of good things here. 'Judge Priest' is a well made film, with handsome scenery and the photography (as always for a Ford film) is beautifully crafted and with the right amount of atmosphere. The music also fits nicely, not going for the sweeping, syrupy approach but instead a lighter touch that gels with the film's tone well. There are plenty of intriguing moments, while there is a nice mix of light-hearted humour and tenderness.

Absolutely loved that duet that has been mentioned by others. Ford's direction shows that he was showing a lot of talent and promise at this stage of his career, even if he was yet to hit his peak. Rogers is likeable and charismatic and McDaniel as expected lights up the screen during her screen time, being both amusing and sincere. Henry B. Walthall is another cast standout.

My negative general feelings of Fetchit did not change at all with 'Judge Priest' sadly. Here he is very annoying and with not much charisma, while his stereotypical behaviour is overdone, he is never funny or affectionate and the way his character is treated here is demeaning and condescending. Even when judging the film for its time, the racial stereotypes here did seem crude, have not dated well and it is easy to see why some would take offense.

Not all the humour and pathos come off brilliantly. Parts of the humour is corny, evident in the rather underwritten script, and makes one cringe and a couple of the more sentimental moments are cloying. The pace could have easily been tightened, as some of the film drags.

In conclusion, decent but not great. 6/10
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