Bengal Tiger (1936)
Predictable...though it was nice seeing Barton MacLane playing a good guy.
28 May 2020
Cliff (Barton MacLane) is a heavy-drinking bit cat trainer with the circus. He's incredibly brave...and a bit foolhardy. After his partner, Carl, is killed and he is mauled by the circus' bad-boy tiger, Satan, Cliff decides to look up Carl's grown daughter to see if he can help her through father's death. He's surprised to find her (June Travis) in jail. Why she's there they never said but I think they were vaguely implying she was caught for prostitution. Regardless, he brings her home and soon marries her.

As for Laura, she isn't in love with Cliff but because he's been so nice to her and given her a home, she agrees to marry him. But Cliff is a tough man to love. He drinks too much, spends all his time with the big cats and isn't exactly a romantic. So, it's not surprising that she falls in love with Cliff's friend, Joe (Warren Hull)...but because she and Joe are decent, they refuse to give in to their passions. Can they continue this indefinitely? And, can they maintain this distance from each other when Cliff gets even more difficult?

This is a predictable B-movie from Warner Brothers. This means it has nice production values and acting...but because it's a B, it's also not a great script. Long before the film ended, I predicted exactly what would happen by the end...and it did. Worth seeing but also easy to skip.
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