Review of The Cold

The West Wing: The Cold (2006)
Season 7, Episode 13
The Josh & Donna Thing
3 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Well after six seasons and 12 episodes into the season finale, Josh & Donna kiss!

It kind of reminds me of a similar scenario in Friends with Ross & Rachel and their will they/won't they relationship. But in this episode, the Donna Josh kiss came out of nowhere, but certainly not due to anything romantic, but more like spontainaity through some favourable polling results.

Of course their relationship now develops as one for the remainder of the season, and as we know Josh's record at keeping women is not a great one; so it should be fascinating how he "keeps" Donna.

The Vinick camp is going through a bit of a crisis, with Bruno's much vaunted "you can win all 50 states" strategy blown completely out of the window thanks to the nuclear incident in Vinicks home state of California.

There was a similar crisis of confidence when Josh's campaign skills came under the microscope 3 or 4 episodes previously ("The Wedding"). The party elders and Santos were concerned that Josh had run out of new ideas to keep the momentum steaming ahead, and that it was felt Leo may take over.

Of course Leo never did, and Josh won the backing of Santos. But in this episode, Sheila (rather than Bruno) decided to fall on her sword and make way for the Republican darling and moderate conservative, Jane Braun, to take the reigns.

I have to say I really liked Sheila - far more sympathetic and endearing compared to the robotic "nothing else matters" Braun.

So its all good news for the Santos campaign, and poor old Vinick looks out in the cold, fresh out of ideas, and looking a little lost. But this episode only really stands out because J&D finally get it on!
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