Engaged to a Psycho (2018 TV Movie)
Absolute Rubbish --> This Movie Was BELOW Sub-Par
18 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I usually enjoy a good Lifetime movie. They are usually entertaining and often have a good plot.

Everything about this movie was terrible. Where do I begin? The plot was nonsense, the dialogue was terrible and the story was awful. The story was infantile, the plot wasn't very clever and the characters were not believable. The script lacked any sort of originality and was very predictable.

There are movies that you can really get into and it reaches the point where the characters seem real and it is as if they are not acting. This is NOT one of those movies.

1. As soon as the female protagonist reveals her coconut allergy, it is clear that this is going to be used to advance the plot. When her Epipen is found in the rubbish, no one really questions it.

2. When the female protagonist goes out on the boat and mentions that she cannot swim, it is fairly evident what is going to happen. These conveniences get so boring.

3. The house is fitted with CCTV and yet, no one seems to know what is going on.

4. The chef gets murdered and everyone is quick to call it an accident and no one even mentions him again or seems to care.

5. Of course when the lead female and her friend use the sauna, they get stuck. That plot device has been used so many times. Couldn't the writer think up something slightly more unique? The stuck in the sauna scene was just so boring because the writer lacked imagination.

6. The movie just harps upon things until it gets dull. For example, the female protagonist keeps going on and on about her mother's wedding ring. The audience gets it. It is cemented into the audience's head until it becomes monotonous.

7. The acting is terrible. Just awful. It is as if one is watching a mediocre movie that some talentless film studies students put together in haste because they had been slacking all term and realised too late that there was a deadline.

8. The characters are just so one dimensional and not very interesting.

The movie was just painful to watch. It lacked depth. It lacked substance. It was not interesting at all. This was one of the worst Lifetime movies I have ever seen.
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