Love Is News (1937)
A very, very funny engagement
22 June 2020
Screwball comedy mixed with romance has worked so well in many films, 'The Awful Truth' immediately springing to mind, though there are also a fair share of unsuccessful endeavours. Tay Garnett will never go down in my estimations as one of the greatest directors, but he is deserving of more credit. There is always a main reason or two for me when watching a film, in 'Love is News' case that main reason is the cast. Talented actors in roles that sounded just right for them conceptually.

'Love is News' will never be one of my all-time favourites and it is not quite one of the all-time best screwball comedies. It succeeds (hugely so) much more than it fails, and actually it never really does that, though and is an immensely enjoyable film in its own right. It is not to be seen for its plot, but if one wants to see a deftly written and easy to like film with a lot of talent on display to distract one from all the stress 'Love is News' very much does the trick.

The least good asset is the story, which can get very far-fetched and tends to be quite slight. One should expect to see a lot of credulity straining, the latter stages of 'Love is News' is full of that.

On the other hand, there is an enormous amount to like here. For one thing, it is beautifully acted by these very talented actors. All in roles perfect for them and ones that they did prove more than once in other films that they could do them well. Tyrone Power is in his element and gives an immensely appealing performance full of life and strong comic timing. Loretta Young is in the type of role she could do easily and do it in her sleep, she is as perky, charming and amusing as ever and there is no going through the motions here. Don Ameche's role is not that challenging and is quite one-dimensional, but he acts the heck out of it and clearly was having fun.

Slim Summerville is hilarious and his material is a highlight. George Sanders did deserve a larger part but he does very well with what he has, few people did suave cads better than him and his performance here does nothing to change the mind. The rest of the cast are fine, though to me Stepin Fetchit didn't really fit with everything else. The film is slickly directed, with things moving along at a crisp pace, and it looks lovely. The photography doesn't try to do too much and is framed beautifully. The costumes are stylish too.

Music is lively and there is some nice use of pre-existing material. The script is full of hilarious and not over-worked lines and witty, tasteful banter. There is sparkling chemistry between the leads. Along with the comedy, the romantic angle is genuinely charming without being too frothy and the energy is present and crackles throughout.

In conclusion, immensely enjoyable. 8/10
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