The dance of the seven veils....or is it the dance of the seven towels?
22 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Considering that British actress Belinda Lee once played Roman Empress Messalina, comparing her character here to Jewish princess Salome is quite appropriate, and she could be a reincarnation of either young lady who lived around the same time. Lee is a high class call girl living in Frankfurt who has moved her way up the ladder from the streets thanks to a wealthy benefactor who only dumped her because he found out that she was cheating on him while he was out of town. In fact, with all of the clients she has in this melodrama, he is the only one that she seems to show any genuine affections for, outside her dog that is.

The film starts off with a shot of her apartment door, first with one milk bottle waiting for her, then two, then three. The next thing you know, an ambulance is on the streets of Frankfurt, and when her door is opened, her dead body is found. Was she murdered or was it some sort of sad accident? Through flashback, the viewer gets to see her rise from a sad young woman walking the streets (ordered by an aging street walker to get off of her territory), then finding an old girlfriend who has greatly aged due to her lifestyle. From each of her clients, she moves up the ladder, or elevator, of success for a woman of her profession, and with the gifting of a Mercedes, she is able to lightly ding the fenders of several older men who gladly provide her with gifts as she gladly takes them, then quickly dumps them, sort of like "Evita" did in the Andrew Lloyd Webber song "Good Night and Thank You For Coming".

The location footage used for this film is stunning, and the saga of Lee's character gives her a juicy part to sink her teeth into. The men are a unique variety of characters, from noble and lovable to unhappy husbands to a sleazy pimp and the moralistic husband of her former landlady who gives her a beating she won't soon forget. There's also the young sales clerk she has come over with a purchase, reluctant to visit her, but forced to, and used then tossed out by her after she gets what she wants. It is insinuated that she doesn't take rejection very easily so her using of him seems to be payback time for his earlier attempts to ignore her. Interestingly enough, even though she has a very capable saleslady helping her, she dismisses her once she sees a male clerk available.

The life of a lady of her nature isn't meant to last long, and sadly, for Belinda Lee, her life wasn't long for the world, unfortunately killed in a car accident a short time after this was made. Lee may not have been a great actress, but there is something about her that makes her seem ahead of her time, and she plays this character perfectly.
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