M*A*S*H: Morale Victory (1980)
Season 8, Episode 19
Best episode of them all
29 June 2020
Of all the episodes of this show, the one I find most powerful (even more powerful than The Tonteen) is this one. The main plot, with Hawkeye and BJ being appointed Morale Officers of a very grumpy 4077th, is excellent, especially with the two of them dumping all their needs on Klinger, who then seemingly vanishes just before the party is supposed to begin. But the secondary, with Charles dealing with a concert pianist who has lost the fine motor dexterity in his hand, just blows me away. Charles' love of music comes out strong and clear, and how music is more than just sounding the notes - it's something that comes from deeper within. 10/10, and you'll never get me to change my mind.
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