Fabulous short biography of the Jerry the Killer!!!
30 June 2020
Movie biography of the iconic keyboardist Jerry Lee Lewis (Dennis Quaid) who astonished the music scene to playing piano instead guitar, one of the kings of the rockabilly, your sound came from the Blues of the black people as shown in the movie at Louisiana and spans since the early period when he got his first record in 1954 "Crazy Arms" at Sun, soon with "Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On" follow he was crowned by his smash hit "Great Balls of Fire" that reach at number one top hit, then came up "Breathless" a true Lewis's trademark song, sadly he falling in love by a teenager girl Myra Gale Brown (Winona Ryder) with mere thirteen years old, actually his cousin, slaughtered by British press during his first tour at Island, then when the news reach at America his kingdom collapsed, also in a small role of Alec Baldwin as his preacher cousin, always saying that he sings the Devil's songs, Dennis Quaid made a remarkable as the Killer on piano, a vigorous performance mainly on live acting, he is outgoing as the own Jerry who participated of the movie as advisor, with a marvelous soundtrack this movie really rocks!!!


First watch: 1992 / How many: 4 / Source: TV-DVD / Rating: 7.5
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