An Old Tale, But In French This Time
2 July 2020
Ex-sailor Albert Prejean runs into cabaret singer Annabella, and they hit it off. He gets roped into a fairground boxing match and knocks out ex-champion Constant Rémy. Rémy isn't angry. He's impressed and begins to train Prejean with money from comic-relief baron Lucien Baroux. When Prejean wins the French welterweight championship, however,he fouls up, goes on a tear with good-time girl Edith Méra. He shows up late for training for the European championship, and quarrels with Rémy.

In other words, it's just like a lot of boxing movies of the era, and the question is can Prejean redeem himself and get back to Rémy, Annabella and beat the English contender? Despite the hackneyed plot, it's a good example of the story, thanks to some superb performances, particularly Rémy's. It's directed by Carmine Gallone, who began directing in 1914, and would continue to direct until 1962. It also has two notable screenwriters who would achieve prominence as directors: Henri Decoin, and H.G. Clouzot. It was Clouzot's second movie-writing credit.
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