Meter maid blues
3 July 2020
First feature film from Stéphane Brizé, 'Hometown blue' is the tale of a meter maid, which suddenly realizes that her routine life make her blue. And this blue of the title relates as much to her blues than to her uniform. Human tale of an average person, the movie contains also a knack of irony and satire. Acting is quite good with a special mention to Florence Vignon.

The triggering factor in her case is the meeting with a childhood friend that became a celebrity as weather woman. But it could be anything, as this meeting role is to remind her her dreamed life. In that, this movie is quite universal and everybody can relates to her. Reflection on banality and the difficulty to change, the movie is however missing something, too busy with the absolute necessity to sound right.

If it doesn't hang totally together, it is not bad either and even shows promises for a first movie - Stéphane Brizé proved in his next movies, he is one director to follow.
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