The Intruder Within (1981 TV Movie)
At sea. No one can hear you scream.
8 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"The Intruder Within" is your basic "Alien" knock-off (and probably one of the first), which was made straight for TV. Those origins can be seen as an limitation, as it was plain and lethargic in its build-up. Consisting of uninteresting filler and quite tame on the thrills (most things occurring off-screen).

Just imagination in the hands of a film production, it could've been a lot more daring and fun with its B-grade material. Although in its favour, it did build a grimy and claustrophobic air from its oil rig backdrop. While the character rapport of its hardy blue collar workers, had a genuine believability about them with stalwart performances led by Joseph Bottoms, Chad Everett and Jennifer Warren. Everything about it is competently executed with a raw edge, but a real lack of sustained suspense and energy even with the looming dangers really lets it down.

The influences of "Alien" are obvious (e.g birth scene, shady company man), but the theories of the discovered ancient embryonic life form is slightly interesting. Too bad the script only scrapes the surface, therefore the lack of commitment makes it sound silly.

The detailed creature design looks rather decent, despite being a rubber suit and not making an appearance until the last 10 minutes. Honestly it looked far more menacing, than its lacklustre actions inspired. As for the other creations, there's a life cycle where it starts off as a fossilised egg, then transforming into some sort of stiff looking worm-like creature. It's a cross between the classic chest burster and mutated worm. Like those out of "Prometheus".

One of these nasty creatures affects a crew member who aggressively changes, giving them super strength and he forcefully impregnates a female co-worker who would then later give birth to a monster. I thought this too, had shades of "Prometheus". That birth scene while off-screen, still had somewhat a disturbing vibe, because we still see the silhouette.
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