One of the newly discovered Theda Bara films you can find on YouTube.
14 July 2020
In the 1910s, Theda Bara was hugely popular and was film's first sex symbol. She was termed a 'vamp' (short for 'vampire') not because she was of the undead but because her character often took pleasure in destroying men with her feminine and gothy sexual charms. Sadly, most of her films have disappeared over the years. Fortunately, until recently it was thought that only one remained intact ("A Fool There Was")...but a few have been discovered and are now on YouTube...including her final full-length film, "The Unchastened Woman".

When the film begins, Caroline (Bara) learns from her doctor that she's pregnant. She's excited but this is shortlived when when she discovers her husband with another woman! Instead of telling him about his child, she takes off for Europe and remakes herself into a society lady who is adored by many. Later, she returns to America to pay her ex-husband back for his infidelity.

Unlike Bara's early films where she was a gothy vamp who delighted in using her sexual wiles to destroy men, here she is a nice, normal housewife until she catches her hubby being unfaithful. Then, she remakes herself into this sort of character....an interesting twist on her persona as a man eater!

So is this any good? Well, as far as Bara goes, it's excellent. Her earlier acting was notable for being more old fashioned and exaggerated. Here, however, like the mid-1920s, acting had become more natural...as was her performance. Despite hearing that she wasn't a very good actress, here she more than holds her own despite being 40. Overall, a very good movie...one which is more realistic and entertaining than I'd expected.
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