Rated Two out of five John Woo doves
15 July 2020
Appleseed was always one of my favourite Manga series growing up along with the Appleseed (1988) Anime movie which is still one of my all time favourite Anime movies to this day.

Appleseed Ex Machina was certainly a step in the right direction for the Appleseed series focusing more on the strong bond and partner relationship between Deunan and Briareos which is explored more in this movie than in the (2004) Appleseed movie or in the prequel movie Appleseed Alpha (2014). One of the more interesting parts of the story is the inclusion of a Bioroid copy of Briareos who looks like Briareos before he became a Cyborg this leads to Deunans character having mixed feelings about the two of them. This movie does give us a better idea of what Briareos character was like before he became a Cyborg.

The main storyline is just a rip off of every hive mind science fiction storyline ever written where a villain takes control of satellites to send out a signal around the world that turns people and machines into part of the hivemind collective. Think Star Trek The Next Generations Borg mixed with anime style mech suits and you get the idea.

The action scenes are pretty decent especially in the last twenty minutes of the movie but when there's no action on screen the movie just drags the storyline just isn't interesting enough to keep your interest sure there are some interesting scenes between Deunan and Briareos but those scenes are few and far between.

The animation style used hasn't aged well at all the animation looks more like graphics from a JRPG game than it does a serious CG movie the animation could of been so much better. The CG Resident Evil Degeneration movie was released just six months after this movie which to this day still looks amazing twelve years later.

This movie was actually produced by John Woo, Yess! that John Woo the same guy who made Mission Impossible 2 and Face Off had a hand in making this movie and My God! does it show within the first minute of the movie there are Doves on screen and then just ten minutes later there are more doves flying past then just when you think the movie is done being "John Woo" the storyline actually involves robotic doves. When I sat down to watch this anime movie I didn't think I'd be uttering the words "Please no more Doves".

I don't recommend watching this movie if your a fan of the original Appleseed Manga series or the 1988 original Appleseed movie because you will be disappointed with this movie but if your just looking for a quick hour and a half time waster that's somewhat entertaining then it's worth at least one viewing.
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