Not bad if you like similar movies of the era
19 July 2020
I love all the old Sinbad movies and stuff like Clash of the Titans so I did enjoy this movie. But, you really have to overlook some majorly poor special effects, costumes, some bad acting, and cheap/poor art direction.

It seriously looks like the little boy Peter was also in charge of making all the monsters and costumes. I know they didn't have much of a budget but they could have done more with what they had. There are times when you can see they didn't even bother to paint actors faces black under their masks so their flesh shows through the eye and mouth holes. The giants and other monsters look like a kid made them in art class. One of the witches is in a fuzzy bunny costume. Some of the composite work looks like it was done under a huge rush where things shift in and out of the frame and in their position on the screen.

But, it does have some charm and isn't a bad movie.

I guess you have to have a love for these old movies to be able to overlook quite a bit on this one.

Judi Meredith (RIP) is really beautiful. Thorin Thatcher did a decent job as Pendragon and Kerwin Mathews was basically playing as Sinbad. In fact, this movie could easily be called a rip-off of 7th Voyage of Sinbad. You have a magical person in a bottle saving the day many times, a horned giant, a dragon, a evil wizard, a princess under the spell of the wizard, the same dude playing the hero as a very similar character.

So, if you don't have a deep love for similar movies of the era, you probably won't enjoy this movie. Otherwise, give it a go if you need something to watch.
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