Strange love is apt
23 July 2020
Ann Dvorak was always worth watching, she often stole scenes in support and was far from bland when in lead roles. Lee Tracy likewise. Have a lot of great admiration of Michael Curtiz and he directed a few of my favourite films of all time (have named them in some of my other reviews of his work), so it was interesting to see one of his early works. The story sounded sort of interesting, though had the traps of being unrealistic and melodramatic.

'The Strange Love of Molly Louvin' is worth a one-time watch, if not much more than that. It has a good deal of good things, such as the production values and leads, but also a good deal of bad, such as a story that never quite comes together. All did much better things, Curtiz even did better at this early stage of his career. 'The Strange Love of Molly Lauvin' is not a terrible film but it is just not a great one. Don't really consider it particularly good either and only slightly above average curio level.

Will start with 'The Strange Love of Molly Louvin's' good things. Dvorak, very early on in her career, carries the film well in a not easy role to pull off, while having an issue with the character herself Dvorak made the absolute most of what she has and is in control of her material rather than the other way around. Tracy is even better in a role perfect for him, he is both charming and amusing and gives his character a likeable snap and wit. Actually thought that Dvorak and Tracy did have chemistry here and it was done very nicely, their banter raising a smile. Most of the rest of the supporting cast are solid too, Guy Kibee and Frank McHugh are good value.

It is a good looking film as well, stylishly shot without being filmed play-like and the settings and costumes are handsome without being too glossy. The music doesn't overbear and is not too constant. The script has moments, especially in the banter between Dvorak and Tracy and the story does liven up when Tracy appears. Curtiz gave much better and much more distinctive and refined direction later on but does more than competently here in terms of visually and some atmosphere.

Sadly, 'The Strange Love of Molly Louvin' is brought down by the story which never really comes together. Do agree that it did feel incomplete and choppy, like there were scenes filmed that never made it into the finished product which would have helped it make more sense. The ending is abrupt to the point of not feeling like an ending at all and did agreed feel like the writers were fighting severe time constraints and ran out of time. The story also came over as ridiculous and very difficult to find any believability in, didn't mind so much that it was cliched and was a very slow starter (coming to life when Tracy enters the picture) but did mind that there is a real lack of realism throughout.

Also felt that the script was confused tonally. At some points it is very melodramatic and soapy, doing this to an overwrought degree, and at other points there were attempts at very hit and miss comedy that didn't always gel and the gear changes between the two weren't always seamless. It would have been better to stick to just one of them rather than attempting both. Richard Cromwell was pretty bland and if there was anybody that Dvorak didn't have any chemistry with it was him.

Concluding, above average curio but very little exceptional here and quite strange. 6/10
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