Surprisingly decent, however massive spoilers!!!!
25 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If this movie was a case study for everything you shouldn't do when covering up a crime this is it.

1. She accidentally killed someone or at least that's what they make you think.

2.Instead of reporting an accident and that she was trying to defend herself, she decides to get rid of the body.

Stupid move number one

4. She tells everyone, including her son who apparently was there but behind the door so you didn't really see him to forget it. And she tells her worker not to report the crime.

Stupid move number 2

Necause everyone is going to remember she didn't want to report someone that she claimef was trying to rob her place of business. Why not?

3. She drives out to the lake and discovers that his phone is still on (GPA tracking) and for some reason that I don't recall or even if they gave one, she decides to take the body back to her place. (Not a good idea to throw a body in the lake as the body is going to bloat in a couple of days and it's going to float to the top. She's got the body wrapped in plastic tarp taped up. Which is going to be a great place for all the gases to build up and it's going to pop up like a balloon to the surface of the lake.)

Stupid move number 3.

4. She later drives over to where he lives. Where her dad who is a sheriff sees her. And a woman who has come out of her house and has also seen her idling her truck in front of their place.

Stupid move number 4.

5. She then drives back home. Opens up the trunk of the car where the body is. Opens up the plastic that she's wrapped around the body. To remove the phone.

6. Now she waits to take the body back to his house and leave it in the shed near his house.

Stupid move number 5.

7. She also takes the time to write a note saying that his body is in the shed.

Stupid move number 6.

8. Later, not too sure how much time has passed, she realizes she's lost her necklace.

9.She starts to look for it and she goes back to the bar that she was at the night before. She also makes a stop to a drug dealer. And decides to buy some pills, because the one thing you need to be while you're trying to hide a crime is getting high on drugs..not for nothing your son is on probation for the same offenses. And his dad is in jail for the same offenses.

not to mention when your necklace is found everyone in this small town is going to remember you were running around looking for a lost silver necklace.

Stupid move numbers 7,8, 9

10.She goes back to the shed with a flashlight in the night to see if she can find this necklace. Meanwhile, the man's sons decide to check the shed, possibly because they saw the light.

Stupid move number 10.

11. She doesn't turn off her flashlight, even though she's well aware that something has made them had to the shed. Nope, it's shining all through the shed and through the window. Did I mention that this was at night?

Stupid move number 11

12. High on pills, she falls asleep at her garage and leaves all the stuff that she left trying to find this necklace for her employee to find. He thinks this is another robbery attempt. So this point, he calls the cops. He also sees the pills on the table. Again she's trying to make excuses, don't call the cops but it's too late.

Stupid move number 12.

13. Dad shows up, he's the cop. She tries to play tough but soon she can't really keep up the front and dad knows she's done this and tried to hide it.

Despite all the stupid moves she makes in the movie and maybe that's the point of the movie, the actress actually plays her role quite well and it does keep your interest to see what's going to happen and what's really going on.

Because, while she gives an explanation to her dad that this man she accidentally killed is connected to her husband (he and her husband by used to run stolen cars through the garage and she feared that they would take the business away from her), you still kind of wonder what's going on here?

Especially since her face shows evidence of having been an altercation. Also, another reason why you would wonder, looking back why wouldn't she want to report this robbery that she claims was happening? And of course everyone has seen her bruised face.
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