Upside Down (I) (2012)
An interesting story poorly executed.
27 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I approached this film with a few expectations given what I knew about it: interesting plot, decent main cast of actors, and apparently gorgeous visuals.

Unfortunately, the film itself was a let down overall. To begin, the film starts with approximately four minutes of monotone voice over by Jim Sturgess, providing exposition about the reality of the realm the film is set in. It's a complicated (and boring) set up to the film.

The introduction to the characters is equally underwhelming, confusing and pointless, as a mean to again set up the main plot of the film. A more sophisticated writer might have found a way to deliver this information in another way to the audience.

From there, the storyline development becomes marginally better, but the film deals with one-dimensional characters and virtually no personal growth. While the dialogue is not great, unfortunately, the performance by the two leads also lacks. They have minimal chemistry and it's difficult to imagine a romance blossoming. The writer/director doesn't give much of an opportunity for this to happen either. While Adam has spent the whole film in love with Eden, it takes Eden the majority of the film to suddenly recollect her childhood Feelings for Adam (and even who Adam actually is). It's difficult to believe that between the 10 years that have passed and the debilitating amnesia that she suffers from, that Eden would be overcome with love as she displays in the film.

The visuals of the film (imaginative and stunning as they are) cannot compare to the bland writing and uninspired performances in the film. Further compounding this was the nauseatingly cliche final moments of the film where the characters realize that their love truly can change the world.

This film really feels like it was trying to be something unique, but ultimately is a typical romantic film, with a traditional happy ending. The pay off is barely satisfying despite this, because there is little emotional connection between myself as a viewer and the characters. Unfortunately, I simply did not care what happened to them.

Kudos to Timothy Spall for being my favourite part of this film.
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