Little Women (2018)
11 August 2020
When jo and meg go to the New Year's Eve party they are not even wearing coats. They are supposed to be in Concord Massachusetts on December 21st it'll be single digits or the teens. At best it would be 25° F

Just some things like this that are not well thought out .... and why would Laurie be going to Stanford instead of Harvard ... doesn't make sense.

Also the actress who played Jo sucked. She talks like she's chewing her face. The acting is just awful. She doesn't have any lovable attributes like the real Jo

I really wanted to like this and I went in with an open mind. I think they did a good job with modernizing the story honestly .... but these little things ruined it.

Well the actress who played Jo that's a big thing lol

But I have to give credit to the story itself and how they modernized it. They did A pretty good job I think. I would like to see another modernization ... maybe one that takes place in the 90s so it's modernized but we didn't have cell phones and texting lol
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