Review of ¡Diablo!

Lucifer: ¡Diablo! (2020)
Season 5, Episode 3
Terrible Writing
25 August 2020
This is unfortunately the episode that caused me to stop watching the show. The script is clearly written in such a way to force the "drama" in a certain direction. Of course a good script would do this too, but in a much more subtle way. This was more like taking a hammer to the story a smashing it until the story moved in that direction. The show has also devolved into the trap that many long-running series tend to do, and that's where it spends most of the time flipping between character relationships and personal lives while nearly forgetting about the main cast. I was also VERY put off by the big "truth" that came out in this episode (no spoilers). Lucifer had very good reason not to say anything about it before and likely did so because he knew exactly how irrational her reaction would be. Lucifer spends half the episode trying to engage in conversation and explain his true feelings while Chloe uses emotional manipulation as a way to funnel her misplaced anger. Then, when Lucifer comes to Chloe with a situation that could have been a good place for them to show some empathy towards each other and move forward, Chloe again uses emotional manipulation to deflect from any reasonable discussion. She does this so the spotlight can be back on herself again, as if her problem is the only one that exists and totally dismisses Lucifer. This kind of writing makes me sick and I hope people realize this is not an acceptable way to conduct yourself in real life.
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