Blurred Lines
1 September 2020
This is quite a hard movie to pin down. It blurs documentary with movie with reality, and sometimes it does so amazingly. And sometimes it does so HORRIBLY.

At times, I cringed at how stilted and dull the acting was between the two leads. It is painfully obvious when they are reciting lines from a script.

But then... the curtain is pulled back and everything feels so REAL. Did they suddenly find a burst of acting talent, bringing the script to life? Are they simply flying by the seat of their pants, every line adlibbed? Or are they simply playing "themselves", bringing their own thoughts and feelings onto the screen?

Personally, I don't know, but it gives the film this odd duality of fabricated reality. Sometimes its so painfully obvious that you're watching two subpar actors parroting lines at each other. But then not even five minutes later, the dialogue is flowing so seamlessly and the chemistry damn near jumping off the screen.

I can't understand it. It just boggles my mind and leaves me in a weird place.

I think with better actors we wouldn't have gotten some of the "real" moments that the film portrays, making the film weaker. But on the other hand, talented actors would have elevated the more obviously scripted portions of this film.

I just don't know. I say approach this film with an open mind and you'll probably be both pleasantly surprised and woefully dissapointed in equal measures.
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