Hackers (1995)
Made Computer Nerds Hip
3 September 2020
1995 gave us "Johnny Mnemonic," "Virtuosity," "The Net," and "Hackers." All digital age tech movies. Of the four, "Hackers" is by far my favorite. It is similar to "The Net" in that both movies showed the vulnerabilities of our cyber world. But before I start gushing too much over "Hackers," I must first give credit to the mother of them all: "War Games" (1983).

"War Games" with Matthew Broderick was the first movie, to my knowledge, featuring a hacker. I don't think that word was used back then, but "War Games'" main character was using a dial-up modem at a speed God knows how slow to hack into military computers. This was back before anything such as the internet and when only the military was using anything such as a network. Fast-forward twelve years and "The Net" and "Hackers" showed the world how computers had taken over and were no longer just a tool of the military.

"Hackers" was hip, it was punk, it was grunge, it was fun. Actors like Angelina Jolie (Kate/Acid Burn) and Matthew Lillard (Cereal) made the movie pop. Add to them a suitable supporting cast and a dope plot and "Hackers" becomes a cult classic.
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