Trial by Media (2020– )
Racism by MEDIA
25 September 2020
I found that all the episodes were biased and in favor of the perpetrator of the crime rather than the victim(s). I was particularly upset with an inability to address systemic issues that are obvious components in the crimes perpetrated. For instance, the first episode addressed the topic of a homosexual man who was murdered. Instead of focusing on the experiences of him in a culturally white; heterosexual society, the documentary/media clips vilinized him and praised his assailant for killing him. The documentary had plenty of opportunities to bring forth educated professionals from current day to offer insight and education to the audience but instead chose to glorify the killer. This is also prevalent in the second episode of 4 black men being shot on a NYC subway by a white male claiming self defense. There is never an interview with an educated professional talking about systemic racism and the experience of being a black man. I'm so over documentaries flouncing over difficult (BUT EDUCATIONAL) conversations that include social injustice and unequal power dynamics of minorities.
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