family comedy. goes on too long.
10 October 2020
There's the Rank gong. and they even mention Arthur Rank in the first few minutes! in spherical Eastman color. Stars Jack Buchanan as John Bentley. and this was one of the last things he did... because he died just a couple years after making this. In the story, Jerry Wayne is Bobby Denver, the crying crooner. although on imdb, he was only in eleven films, and doesn't even have a photo. but it's Diana Dors month on TCM, so she's in here as Pearl. the running gag here is that the daughters are all wiring daddy for money, when their own no-good husbands run into trouble. so singer Denver and the daughters all converge at the family home, and Buchanan's acting is over the top, which is probably just what the director was going for. a fast talking, fast moving, caper, almost cartoon-ish pace. and, of course, it's from a show, so the talking and singing just go on and on. and on. Let's do the hokey pokey polka! This one is energetic and fun. Long as #$$$ though. should have been so much shorter. Diana Dors appears at the cast party about halfway through. Directed by oscar-nominated Lee Thompson. looks like his biggest films were Navaronne and Cape Fear.
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