Restored Me (2016)
Welcome to cliche canyon
29 October 2020
This looks like a film school project for at least three people. Animation sequences for one person's project, a pseudo music video for that person's project, and a tedious redemption story for the main person's project. Protagonist is a high school basketball star whose gym bag is suddenly found to contain a quantity of cocaine. Off to jail he goes for 8 years even though it's his first offense. He gets out, and the cliches come faster that the banter at the restored movie theater where he gets a job. Lots of religion, with a too-sweet segment with his daughter auditioning for "American Idol" singing at church, and all those tiresome bible cliches. The whole thing was shot in less than 3 weeks, and looks it. One of my favorite unappreciated and under utilized actors is in this, and she was fine, as were all of the minor players. Too bad they didn't have better scenes to do.
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