Castaway (1986)
An adult Blue Lagoon
6 November 2020
In the latter years of his film career Nicolas Roeg seemed to become a shadow of his former self and seemed to be working under increasingly limited budgets, but even a minor Roeg film is still worth watching.

The film's theme connects with several with his previous films, namely the breakdown in communication between women and men. Whether it is a communication barrier as in Walkabout or here where the two characters are isolated on an island and fail in their efforts to make it a liveable environment. Whether this is a reflection of the director's own views on relationships I cannot say, but, as noted above, it figures into many of his films.

Even if it is not prime Roeg it still has moments of flare that marked his cinematic style. It does play like an adult version of the 1980 film The Blue Lagoon but with more realistic consequences as they squander their food supplies and struggle to adjust to this primitive life. The cinematography is stunning and the early scenes have a lush and vivid quality that slowly begins to fade as their circumstances change and grow more dire. Both Amanda Donahoe and Oliver Reed give exceptionally good performances. This is not among my favourite of his films but I do enjoy watching it every so often.
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