"Thick as thieves" is an expression originating in England . . .
6 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
. . . where every other person is a pick-pocket, cat burglar, smuggler, dope pusher, shoplifter, kidnapper, body-snatcher, gangster, serial killer, jay walker, extortionist, litterer, bigamist, blackmailer, thug, vandal, fence, numbers runner, counterfeit bit coin dealer, espionage agent, frenzied silk tie strangler, bus bomber, peeping Tom, war criminal, impostor, con artist, regicide, paparazzi or all of the above. BLIND ADVENTURE is populated with this entire criminal omnibus, just waiting for the incipient Fuhrer's Crown Prince to jump from his House of Hanover onto the nefarious Prussian bandwagon. Jack the Ripper does not make so much as a cameo appearance here. He was too scared to come out and play with this pernicious pack from Lucifer's London Legion.
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