Review of G-Loc

G-Loc (2020)
Felt like it was a bad 70s UK TV Movie
7 November 2020
I got bored. I had to fast forward to the end, just to see what happens. I can forgive low budgets, but I cannot forgive poor writing. First, the handheld AI stickman, was grating, who would create an AI with attitude? If Alexa behaved like that it would be in the bin. But I suppose it is edgy and exciting....(sarcasm) Second, The 30 minutes I watched consisted of meeting a sole survivor woman on a spaceship, whose only role was to be angry and fight badly. I didn't have enough information to care about her character. As with many badly written scripts this could have been handled with some basic dialogue.. "Why are you on my spaceship?"... not "oh, i'm going to fight you now for no reason..." At no point did any of the characters behave like normal adults, more like spoiled children who have just finished acting school. The drawn out fight scenes had no impact and felt like I was watching an episode on Space 1999. Ie not convincing Even after forwarding to the last 5 minutes, the finale did not make me care to go back and watch the rest. I had to purge this from my memory by writing a review followed by watching a sci-fi movie with a good script.
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