Very few moments of humor in this WB British comedy
9 November 2020
"Man of the Moment" has its moments as a comedy. But it unfortunately has many more moments of tedium and maudlin scenes. For such a simple plot, the screenplay rambles at times, and jumps clumsily between settings. The acting is fair, but the script is weak to terrible. Most of the production quality is inferior as well.

The only place where there's some good comedy is in the scenes with Mary Brianny splashing around and dunking in the river as though trying to drown herself; and Tony Woodward's efforts to rescue her and then prevent any further suicide attempts. The few funny lines here and in the opening office scene is the extent of humor in the dialog.

The film further suffers from the lack of chemistry between Tony and Mary. And, his imminent marriage to Vera Barton is hardly believable as real romance. At least one other prominent reviewer suggested that perhaps suicide was not a very good theme for a comedy,

Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Is Tony Woodward and Laura La Plante is Mary Brianny. Margaret Lockwood plays Vera Barton. The other two roles of any significance are Mr. Barton, played by Peter Gawthorne and Rufus, played by Claude Hulbert

One notable thing about this film is that it is a British comedy in which the two leads are played by American actors. Another thing of note is that the film was made by Warner Brothers through its studios in England.

Warner Brothers was one of the major Hollywood studios of the Golden era that opened branch studios or affiliates in England. The brothers opened their European branch in late 1931 when they rented the Teddington Studios. In 1934 Warner Brothers bought the place, and for many years it would make films there, with stories based in Great Britain and elsewhere in Europe.

Here are the better comedy lines in the film.

Mary Brianny, "He talked to me yesterday." Mary's Landlady, "What'd he say?" Mary, "Well, not very much. He only said there were two f's in paraffin, but he said it very nicely". Landlady, "These office affairs ain't any good. All shorthand and no marriage lines."

Tom - Office Clerk, "Oh, what's that?" Mary Brianny, "It's my lunch, if you want to know." Tom, "I thought it was only bees that had flowers for lunch".

Mr. Rumcorn, "Oh, we're wearing a new frock, aren't we?" Mary Brianny, "Yes, uh huh, at least... well, I don't know about you." Rumcorn, "Uh, vanity, vanity, all is vanity."

Mr. Rumcorn, "Miss Brianny, may I speak to you seriously for a moment?" Mary Brianny, "Oh, must you? I'm feeling so happy this morning."

Tony Woodward, stopping his car, he shouts to Mary who's flapping around in the river, "Excuse me, but I wouldn't drink that water if I were you. It hasn't been filtered." Mary Brianny, "I'm drowning myself."

Tony Woodward, "But it's against my principles. I never let people drown themselves in my presence." Mary Brianny, " Well then, go away".

Mary Brianny, "I wish you'd let me alone." Tony Woodward, "I'll rescue you if I have to kill you to do it."

Tony Woodward, "It's either a fortune for both of us, or a grave in the deep blue sea."
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