Because all good Xmas stories should have a parents kidnapped by an African warlord plot...
10 November 2020
This film was just totally insane suffice to say as the plot was not on point and the only thing that could have made this movie make any sense was not used. The film does get points for being different, but it is so way out there that you cannot even see it! Along with being different it also features a very attractive lady as the Xmas fairy/schoolteacher; however, aside from that there is little to enjoy about this film other than the fact it is sheer madness that this film exists in the first place!

The story, a kid is a bit of a sad child and the other kids tease him and blame him for breaking a window, so the custodian tosses him into a shed. Turns out this boy's parents have been kidnapped by an African warlord so the boy asks Santa to bring them back. At this point, you are probably wondering if I am making this up, but nope. The boy along with a girl somehow board a plane and head to a place where there is snow and they find Santa! Also, just outside the borders of the town lurks an ogre that eats children and Santa has apparently not bothered to do anything about this. Santa and Xmas fairy go to rescue the boy's parents and the kids get caught by the ogre because the girl wants to see it, because all girls like to look at bloodthirsty ogres...

The only road this film had to make its plot make sense is the tired "it was all a dream" cliche. I mean, why else would the ogre and the custodian be the same person? Why else would the teacher and fairy be the same person, it had to be a dream! Nope, they play it off like it all happened so puppies were eaten, Santa was almost killed by an African warlord and then Santa left the parents to their fate. Seriously, they could have easily been recaptured after Santa teleported back home.

So this film was complete madness! Which is a bit of why I give this one a three rather than a one or two. That and the very attractive fairy when she switched to her red riding hood costume! The story though also makes no sense and the fact that they played it off as really happening and not a dream seems crazy. Still, while it was a bit insane, it was also quite different so it had that going for it.
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