Don't Try to Figure It Out!
13 November 2020
This little item was recently shown on TCM. It is not well known despite a strong cast and pedigree creative credits. Blind Adventure (like Most Dangerous Game) involves talent that derives from the King Kong franchise.

Blind Adventure is what some would call a "shaggy dog story." It involves characters in odd and often incomprehensible situations that defy logic. It really doesn't pay to over-analyse such movies. The better way to enjoy them is to sit back and just let them unfold. At a later time, you will recall such films for their fun value long after the baffling details fade from your memory. One of the best examples of this genre is the Humphrey Bogart classic Beat the Devil. Who remembers what that was all about? But we certainly remember the wacky principals and their mystifying and often humorous goings on and interactions.

In a little over one hour, we have seen a story in Blind Adventure so convoluted and dense that it defies explanation as to exactly what it was all about. Certainly I will not attempt to clarify it. If The Big Sleep has a large following despite the fact that the narrative remains somewhat unfathomable, perhaps Blind Adventure is another classic-in-waiting yet to be discovered.

Because the Robert Armstrong, Helen Mack and Roland Young characters are so charming and delightful as they wander through the meandering plot of Blind Adventure--we should forgive whatever shortcomings it may otherwise pose for us.

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