Did this movie foretell the future?
27 November 2020
Who knew that a lot of elements in this movie from 1995 would be coming true in 2020 America.

Like the characters in this movie, many leftists in 2020 desire to eliminate from society those that don't fit their extreme viewpoints.

It isn't just right-wing extremists they want to eliminate from society anymore either, but anyone right of center. All in a desire to create some fictional fairy tale utopian socialist society envisioned by a mid 19th century delusional dreamer Karl Marx that cannot exist in the real world of human existence.

Some of these extremist types now actually occupy seats of power.

The presidential candidacy of Senator Bernie Sanders and the election to the U.S. congress of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and three fellow extremists who call themselves "the Squad", has pushed into society radical viewpoints that fit the extreme viewpoints of the characters in the Last Supper.

Recently, Ocasio-Cortez famously echoed a desire from other left-wing extremists to go after Trump supporters after he leaves office. That fits the Stalinist narrative reflected in the characters in this movie to eliminate opposition.

You also have other politicians like John Kerry (whom Biden just named as his "climate change" czar) who speak of of a desire to imprison those who deny climate change.

You have mobs of left-wing extremists like Antifa and BLM rioting in the streets and threatening to kill people who don't share their extreme viewpoints. Left wing politicians condone their behavior and often go after their victims rather than the perps.

You have Hollywood and far-left pundits all calling for the same types of things I have discussed.

While neither far-left nor far-right viewpoints benefit society, the viewpoints of far-left extremists have proven far more dangerous throughout history. Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Pol-Pot, Fidel Castro, Vladimir Lenin, oppressed and killed millions in the name of "social justice."

It's very scary that these things are right on America's doorstep in 2020.

Did this movie predict liberals in 2020? Well, it's looking more and more to be that way. The difference is, as I have explained, liberals today seek to eliminate everyone who doesn't share their viewpoints, not just the far-right. Anyone right of center or right-leaning who voted for Donald Trump are threatened.

The real leftist radicals today are far more threatening than this group of fictional characters from this little movie from 1995. There are no invitations being sent out with ulterior motives under the guise of dinner and debate, they are coming after people.
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