10 December 2020
Still watching the Bowery Boys these days, and they're still fun to watch. BOWERY TO BAGDAD has to be one of their more kooky episodes, only because as the series progressed, particularly in the 1950s, the plots became more and more bizarre and Huntz Hall was unleashed to do whatever he wanted to do! A lot had to do with the employ of veteran comedy writer and director Edward Bernds, whose name may be familiar as he directed scores of Three Stooges shorts. And there was the difference between the Bowery Boys films of the 1940s and the 1950s. Originally, the films had a comedy/drama slant, but by the next decade, all that went by the wayside with the Bowery Boys more comic book characters in comic book situations with a supernatural slant, case in point this film, as they conjure up a magical genie. The series also had many notable character actors and the veteran Eric Blore, in his last film role, was well cast and probably well paid for his funny portrayal of a genie, who also gets drunk! Gorcey's father, Bernard, who played Louie, worked well with Blore as they both chewed up the scenery blotto in one super scene. But it's Gorcey and Hall who let of the fireworks with a host of one liners and crazy circumstances that made the Bowery Boys so famous. Thankfully, Warner Brothers acquired the rights to these comedies and first sold part of the series on vhs, but now all episodes come in box sets and in mint condition, with no edits as all of us big kids were well aware of when they were countlessly rerun on tv back in the day. So, yes, still crazy after all these years and with a lot of fond memories. We'll never forget you guys!
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