Lucille Ball Demonstrating Her Comedic Talents
11 December 2020
Of all the people in the Woodruff Secretarial School, "Miss Ellen Grant" (Lucille Ball) is the most inept student there. She can't type very fast or accurate and she also can't take dictation well either. So when the owner of the Richmond Reality Company by the name of "Dick Richmond" (William Holden) comes to the school everyone is surprised when he hires her as his new administrative assistant. What people don't realize is that Dick Richmond is using his real estate company as a cover to hide a gambling operation and the reason he selected Miss Grant is that he figures that she will be satisfied to field customer inquiries and leave him and his other two colleagues in a back office all alone. What he doesn't count on is the fact that Miss Grant currently lives with a judge who has a great deal of influence in civil cases involving housing and real estate and feels duty-bound to get him involved in Mr. Richmond's operation in order for him to succeed-and that's the last thing Dick Richmond wants or needs. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was a nice little comedy which got better as it progressed with Lucille Ball demonstrating her comedic talents in this particular role to great effect. Admittedly, the film does show its age but it's a clean comedy and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.
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