Offstage more interesting than onstage...
9 January 2021
Back in the day, I'm sure audiences flocked to see Call of the Wild to see top stars of the day, Clark Gable and Loretta Young, in a film together. Nowadays, it's pretty much remembered as the movie that resulted in a secret love child that's no longer secret. In case you're not up on your silver screen trivia, the morally judgmental, notoriously prudish Loretta Young (who also had an affair with the married Spencer Tracy) had an affair with Clark Gable that resulted in a child. Rather than tell him, she did the classic "go to Europe for a few months and come back with an adopted child" scheme that belongs more in a melodrama rather than in real life.

After that story, who cares what Call of the Wild is about! For those of you who do care, it's loosely based off Jack London's novel. Clark Gable and Jack Oakie are trappers searching for gold in Alaska, and Clark wins a dog in a poker game. On the way to their next gold-search, they run into Loretta Young and both take a shine to her. Which one do you think she'll pick? Which one did she hide the existence of her child, even though she knew he always wanted a child? Maybe she should have realized she lived in a glass house before forcing her costars to put coins in a "swear jar". . .
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