11 January 2021
A semi-amateur production costing just £4,500 combining the visual beauty and Soviet-style editing of 'Earth' with the fatalism of 'La Bete Humaine', as well as the visual beauty of an unbelievably young and handsome James Mason against the unbelievably handsome backdrop of rural Buckinghamshire; doubtless all built up today.

Director Roy Kellino, being "an experienced cameraman with already the eye of a director" turned in a beautiful film which according to Mason was shot silent because on a such a tiny budget it "must perforce be more of a silent than a sound film". The burden of holding the film together thus fell upon Eric Ansell's music, and Mason later declared "I was deeply embarrassed by the loudness of the music, while lots of things that I did in it as an actor embarrassed me even more".
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