Review of Buried Alive

Buried Alive (1990 TV Movie)
Revenge Served Cold and Delicious
14 January 2021
"Clint Goodman" (Tim Matheson) is a nice guy who has worked hard and after 10 years in New York City has decided to return to his rural hometown where he has built a lucrative construction company. With him is his wife "Joanna Goodman" (Jennifer Jason Leigh) who is accustomed to the big city and despises everything about her husband's decision to leave it behind. For that reason she is considering a divorce which will provide her with more than enough money to return to it. It's then revealed that she has been having an affair with a doctor in this small town named "Cortland van Owen" (William Atherton) who convinces her that she could have all of his money if she murders him and subsequently proceeds to give her a rare poison which should do the trick. She agrees and slips it into Clint's drink at dinner. What she doesn't realize is that not long after killing him her own nightmare is about to begin. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that since this was a made-for-television movie I wasn't really expecting too much. Fortunately, this movie turned out better than expected as the revenge element was served quite cold and delicious with both Tim Matheson and Jennifer Jason Leigh putting in very good performances along the way. Admittedly, there were a couple of scenes which strained credibility here and there but I liked this film for the most part and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.
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