Very good and funny coming of age film set in 1920s Ottawa, Canada
17 January 2021
"The Happy Time is a very good coming of age comedy and family movie about a young boy growing up in Ottawa, Canada, in the early 20th century. The story takes place in the 1920s, just before the advent of sound movies. Bobby Driscoll plays Robert 'Bibi' Bonnard, the 12-or-13-year-old boy around whose family the story takes place. And, it is a family movie in two senses of the word. Bibi's father is Jacques Bonnard, a violinist who leads the pit band that plays in a major cinema theatre. The Bonnard family of brothers is very close, with one living across the street and one a traveling salesman who has just returned home for a stay.

Charles Boyer heads the cast as Bibi's father, Louis Jourdan plays his uncle, Desmond, and Kurt Kasznar plays his uncle, Louis. Oh, yes, there's also the grandfather - Marcel Dalio plays Grandpere Bonnard. The three women who enliven or put up with the male bunch, as the case may be at any time, are Marsha Hunt as Bibi's mom, Susan; Linda Christian as Mignonette Chappuis, and Peggy O'Hare as Bibi's admiring school pal and girlfriend.

This is a wonderful comedy that has a good showing of the accompaniment in top theaters of early cinema before sound. In smaller towns and theaters the musical accompaniment to films was often just a piano player. The film is based on a 1945 novel of the same title by Robert Fontaine. It was first made into a highly successful play by Samuel Taylor.

Here are some favorite lines from the film.

Bibi Bonnard, when Grandpere gives him a parakeet in a cage, "Does he sing?" Grandpere Bonnard," Only when he's in the mood." Bibi, "And when is he in the mood?" Grandpere, "Ah, when he sings, naturally."

Susan Bonnard, "How did she lose her job with the magician?" Jacques Bonnard," Well, I'll tell you.... Bibi, you'd better wash your hands before dinner." Bibi Bonnard, "Why is it every time things get interesting my hands get dirty?"

Peggy O'Hare, "I was watching. I saw her kiss you. She's pretty old."

Jacques Bonnard, "Desmond, you don't need wine. You're entirely into yourself."

Uncle Desmond Bonnard, "So, you think I'm a rogue, don't you?" Mignonette Chappuis, "If I said 'yes,' it would only flatter you."

Mignonette Chappuis, "I don't believe you'll have any trouble finding someone, Desmond. There are lots of women in Canada, and you seem to have met most of them."

Uncle Louis Bonnard, "Believe me, there was a butterfly watching me on the porch."

Uncle Louis Bonnard, "Mademoiselle, to a man in my condition, the bite of a butterfly can be fatal."

Mignonette Chappuis, "Yes, I've decided if I must live in a tent, I'd rather do it with Desi."
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