A new classic with a geniusly balanced performance from Edward Noron
17 January 2021
This is a movie to be watched when you're in the mood for a new classic, when you're open to receive it because like most brilliant movies it demands something from its viewers, it doesn't just give, it's an exchange and you have to be up to get in it. Edward Norton as always elevates the material he approaches, he brings a whole new class to it, there is something in the way he puts on his characters till they live in his bones that is hypnotizing to watch. The whole cast plays beautifully, the music completes everything very sensually and it all comes together seamlessly. Even with all this going for it, I'd say this movies' strongest atribute is its tone - there is nothing loud or vulgar in it, it never screams for the viewers' attention, it simply evokes it, awakens it in you through its humanity, passion, humor and intelligence. For me this created a sense of connection, timelessness, a lack of gravity, like I had nowhere to go or be and the most natural thing was to just live in the movie. Safe to say I loved the experience of watching this movie. I'm always immensely grateful when I find something so beautifully done.
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