Review of Oddball

Oddball (I) (2015)
Australian movie, dog named Oddball protects the tiny penguins.
20 January 2021
This is a true story, I presume embellished in places to make it a more interesting movie. All the actors are good and I was especially impressed with the cinematography.

There is a small island just offshore and only protected by a shallow patch of water. It was the home of hundreds of very small penguins. But then foxes discovered they could cross and soon the penguin population dwindled until it was down to under 20.

There are a few subplots going on but the main one is this curious dog named Oddball takes a liking to penguins and ultimately is utilized to scare off the foxes and help reestablish a healthy penguin population.

My wife and I watched it on Amazon streaming movies, it is a very nice and entertaining movie.
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