I really enjoy these two gentlemen, but...
16 February 2021
Okay, I'm fairly obsessed with Outlander and have been since it's debut in 2014. When what started out to be a proposed podcast by Sam Heughan evolved into a road trip with Sam and Graham filmed for a series I just loved the idea. But after viewing episode1, I'm afraid I was fairly disappointed. It felt as though they try to have too many venues in one episode and rush through those venues too quickly. And the banter if scripted wasn't particularly well written, but if "off the cuff" felt almost forced and uncomfortably so at times; like "hey, we'd better have some clever, witty banter between us because we're great mates". As much as I love Outlander, when there is only 30 minutes to cram so many locations into those 30 minutes I don't feel clips from Outlander was necessary. Listen, no one is more surprised at this review than me, but it's what I went away with. Here's hoping the next 3 1/2 hours are time better spent. My fingers are crossed!

**Five episodes in now, and still feel pretty much the same. This show isn't horrible, by any stretch of the imagination. I'm just disappointed, and for all the reasons stated above after E1, as the episodic formula has remained the same.
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