Brother (1997)
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
24 February 2021
Brat(1997) and Brat 2 (2000) are two smoking hot Russian neo-noir crime film coming straight from Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Unlike their American Counterparts with lot of glamour and spice, these two stay in the streets with the most realism you can find showing real street thugs and fights.

Calling it a mafia movie may not do these justice and shift the focus of the viewers completely from its realistic approach to show a normal person entering into the world of Crime.

The Search for 'Nautilus' s Wings' is strong and so is the blood for revenge. The movies don't show direct big action sequences or killings and cut right before them or change the camera angle, allowing for the viewer to interprete on their own, but not completely as it stratergically crafts the scene up to show most while showing minimum.

The Handling of Guns and their modification just before a hit are satisfying in a new scense, it is not like tuco making his custom revolver in 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly", you get to see making of bullets, shotgun shells, bombs, sawed of rifles etc.

The second part like most other films is not an downgrade but in many sense an Upgrade, which gives you the feeling of' Coming to America' Russian Style.

The portrayal of Russians are also human, not like the americans showing a big man fighting bear while Drinking Vodka bare handed, Or an Mafia Manic with Ak-47 and shotgun, shooting everybody up in his path. Showing a Hitman movie like it should be Shown, with mlre tension and planning and not 'boom bam-over'. These along with Brothers(2000) by Takeshi Kitano, show us how an good crime movie set in America away from their Native land should be made while keeping their regional Essense.
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