Control (2019 Video Game)
Great mixture of gunplay and superpowers!
11 March 2021
Control is a great game to pick up and play in terms of giving you an hour or two of high octane enjoyment.

Combat is great, with a mixture of impactful gunplay and several "superpowers". The "Service Weapon", that can mould into several different types of gun, feels forceful. But the superpowers are the highlight. With effortless controls, Jesse can levitate, launch objects through the air, mind control enemies and create a shield of rock pulled from the floor. The graphics and sound design on all these powers are incredible.

The story is interesting, but is not told in the right way. Unless you collect all the collectibles, (files, tapes, etc.), of which there are over 200, you probably won't understand the story. Through normal gameplay and cutscenes it can become nonsensical.

The Foundation DLC was just okay but the AWE DLC was disappointing, with hardly any connection and tie in with Alan Wake whatsoever. It would've been nice to see a few different environments.

I'd definitely recommend Control from a gameplay perspective. The story and narrative could've been so much better.
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