Trailer Park Boys (2001–2018)
Original seasons good/Netflix seasons not so good
22 March 2021
As my title says, the original 7 seasons that aired on Showcase in Canada from 2001 to 2007 were great. Yes, I even loved season 7, which it seems most other fans of the show don't really like this season, but I do and honestly, compared to the Netflix seasons, you'll appreciate season 7 a lot more. Also, the original TPB The Movie released in 2006 and was pretty good. The show seemed to have ended with season 7 in '07, but of course, fans wanted more of the boys and due to popular demand, a TV movie was released titled Say Goodnight to the Bad Guys, which was pretty great in my opinion. Then another movie titled Countdown to Liquor Day was released the following year in 2009, which was, just Ok, in my opinion, of course. Finally, a 4th movie was released titled Don't Legalize It, which got mixed reviews but I really enjoyed it. Along with this came the announcement that Netflix was bringing the series back and that same year in September of 2014, Netflix released season 8 of Trailer Park Boys. And..., well, honestly, I didn't hate this season. I actually kind of liked it. Though, Mike Clattenburg's (the creator, head writer, and director of pretty much the entire show/movies up until this) absence from the show was very apparent. It was waaaay more over-the-top than it had ever been before, which was definitely a bad thing...ya my opinion. But it wasn't terrible. However, we then come to season 9 released on Netflix on March 27th 2015 and...dear god, season 9 was was so bad. It was so, so bad. I hated it so much. I found myself cringing so often and maybe let out a slight chuckle here and there. I know as shows go on, characters always tend to become caricatures of themselves, but this was ridiculous. In prior seasons, Ricky was at least capable of speaking at a normal volume sometimes. In this season, he pretty much screams every single word he says. The whole season is just bad. And season 10 is even worse. Not much to say other than it's just god-awful. It feels like it's trying so so hard to be over-the-top and give shock-humor but it's just bad in every way. Seasons 11 and 12 were definitely a huge step up from the previous 2 before it but still nothing great. Seasons 1-7 were peak TPB for me and I'm sure most fans of the show would probably agree.
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